Work Style Wednesday: Peach and Mustard


Today's work look is one of my many attempts at looking stylish while driving all over Miami and working with 5-year-olds all day. Honestly, I don't love this shirt and pant combo, but I haven't rearranged my closet for spring clothing yet so I just grabbed the first colored pants I saw that day.

Work Style Wednesday

It's been a crazy week at the "office" (my car is my office... I'm a therapist on wheels). So I thought I'd show you some virtual work style essentials on this edition of Work Style Wednesday.
Office Basics.
Tops: white // dots // chambray
Blazers: black // rose // white // black
Pants: pink // gray // black // beige // red
Black, gray, and beige pants are absolutely essential, as they go with everything. But you can't go wrong with some colored trousers or blazers either. They're an easy way to add interest and life to an otherwise boring work outfit. As for tops, I wear the hell out of my trusty ol' polka dot blouse at work and elsewhere, too, so I thought I'd include one. A white blouse or tank of some sort is a must for your closet, especially if you're gonna be wearing fun, colored blazers or pants. And, of course, can't forget the trusty chambray shirt. They are incredibly versatile and look great paired with a fun statement necklace.

This selection is more representative of my office style as opposed to what I wear when I'm out on the field. Also, in reality I wear more cardigans than blazers, but I really loved all of these blazers and there just wasn't room for all the cardigans I wanted to include. So that will have to wait for another post. I might do another one in the future showcasing my style for out on the field.

And now I'd love to see some more of your work style posts! Virtual or not. 

Nathy and Martha are both part-time bloggers with full-time careers outside of fashion, so they thought they would create a space that reflects their daily 9 to 5 dress code. This link up is for fashion-minded women with professional or business casual tastes and wardrobes. Nothing is off limits as long as it’s work-appropriate. And if you ask a blogger, “work-appropriate” can include color, pattern, texture, statement pieces, heels, flats, casual looks, refined looks, simple outfits, busy outfits. There are so many winning formulas out there!

All we ask is that you follow us via one method of your choice (e.g., BlogLovin', Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest) + use the hashtag #WorkStyleWednesday on social media to show off your work style!

Let's prove that fashion-forward and work-appropriate are not mutually exclusive terms! Show us your awesome work style below!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Safari Chic + Work Style Wednesday

safari chic outfit

Vibrant Valentine

eBay tulle skirt

January Recap + Work Style Wednesday

January 2015 outfits
Quirky Business Casual // Fun AND Modest // Kid-Friendly in Polka Dots // (Almost) All Black

So I'm cheating a little bit today and combining my monthly recap with the Work Style Wednesday linkup. Because for the life of me I could not find a single moment to take proper blog pictures this week. That's just how part-time style bloggers roll. 

January 2015 was really good to me. I met new clients, started Work Style Wednesday with Martha of Sun Fun Fashion, posted 5 outfits on the blog (one not pictured), and got myself on ModCloth's and Francesca's Collections Instagram pages! Woot-woot!

2014 collageJanuary mango flowersLa Palma chocolate caliente con churrosModest in ModCloth
Follow @nathyness_ on Instagram to keep up with the super fun life of a therapist/style blogger.

And these were my favorite shots shared on Instagram. Looks like my grandma's gonna get lots of mangoes this year! Look at all those flowers! And that hot chocolate is the closest thing to Spanish hot chocolate we've got in Miami (at La Palma). It's so deliciously thick and creamy... That's perfectly ok to say because I'm talking about hot chocolate. ;)

And now for Work Style Wednesday!

Nathy and Martha are both part-time bloggers with full-time careers outside of fashion, so we thought we’d create a space that reflects our daily 9 to 5 dress code. This link up is for fashion-minded women with professional or business casual tastes and wardrobes. Nothing is off limits as long as it’s work-appropriate. And if you ask a blogger, “work-appropriate” can include color, pattern, texture, statement pieces, heels, flats, casual looks, refined looks, simple outfits, busy outfits. There are so many winning formulas out there!

All we ask is that you follow us via one method of your choice (e.g., BlogLovin', Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest) + use the hashtag #WorkStyleWednesday on social media to show off your work style!

Let's prove that fashion-forward and work-appropriate are not mutually exclusive terms! Show us your awesome work style below!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.