My Day in Mykonos
(+ $1000 ASOS Giveaway! - now closed)

Blue skies smiling at me... Nothing but blue skies do I see. 

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PicMonkey Photo
Blouse: LOFT // Pants: J. Crew // Sandals: Steve Madden via Macy's // Hat: Target // Backpack: Target (check out this nearly identical one for $8.99!) // Sunglasses: LOFT // Bracelets and NecklaceCandles & Confetti (similar necklace) // Ring: Murano glass souvenir from Venice

Hi everyone!

So I'm FINALLY getting around to sharing my outfits and favorite photos from my Mediterranean cruise in May and June, which I went on with one of my lifelong best friends. I decided to start with Mykonos even though it was the 4th port we went to because my outfit was very spring/summery so I wanted to put it out there first, before I get into the more fall-appropriate posts.

This day was a memorable one to say the least-- we were dead tired from the activity of the previous few days so we woke up around 11 am, which is SUPER LATE when you're on a cruise! We had to be back on the ship by 3:30 or 4:30 (can't remember) so we didn't have much time on the island and never quite made it to Paradise Beach. But we still managed to explore the little streets and have some Greek food and take tons of pretty pictures of the beautiful blue and white surroundings!

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DSC_0736DSC_0737  from where I stood - mykonos streets
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Little VeniceDSC_0801DSC_0805

Did you SEE the color of that water?? Those beautiful blue tones have captivated me in pictures since I found out the Greek Islands existed. Still can't believe I went there. And all that white and blue... it's so soothing, so picturesque. Despite all the tourists, the streets are immaculate. I even saw some people paint the floors-- that's apparently how they keep it all so clean. Can't wait to go back someday for a proper tour of Greece and the islands!


And now there's a giveaway for you since you made it to the bottom of this post!
You don't have to follow all of us, but the more you do the more entries you get.

Linked up: How I Summer // Good HUES-day // Weekend Wear // Fab Favorites

EDITED 9/23/16:
This outfit landed me the honor of "featured blogger" on this week's Weekend Wear linkup♡


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I enjoy reading them and checking out your blogs, too. :)